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Hansahedova M.




the article examines the life and work of the great Turkmen poet Magtymguly Fragi, his influence on the development of Turkmen poetry and national identity. It describes the path of the philosopher and poet, his education, travels, and return to his homeland. Special attention is paid to Magtymguly's influence on Turkmen culture and literature, his role in shaping poetic language, and his rejection of Arabic-Persian metrics. The significance of his poetry for the people and its relevance in the modern context are also emphasized.   

Ключевые слова:
Magtymguly Fragi, Turkmen poetry, intellectual capital, national identity, cultural heritage   

Every nation has its greatest poets, remembered by all, whose poetic lines penetrate the people and remain in memory. For the Turkmen people, this is the great Magtymguly, who reflected the peculiarities of the spiritual character and national consciousness of the people in his work. The fate of the poet, scholar, and philosopher in many ways resembles the fate of the Turkmen people.The Turkmen philosopher and great poet of the 18th century (1724-1807 AD) Magtymguly Fragi was born in the village of Hajji Govshan, located in Turkmenistan in the valley of the Etrek River with tributaries of Sumbar. In the foothills of Kopetdag – this is the historical area of Turkmen-Goklen settlement. Fragi studied in a village school, where his father Dovletmammed Azadi was a teacher. At a very early age, the poet began to read in two languages, Arabic and Persian. Knowledge of languages ??contributed to the further education of the boy.Continuing his education at the famous Koketlitas madrasa in Bukhara, the poet met Nur-Kazym there. Together, they set out to travel. The travelers visited the territory of present-day Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and passing through the territory of present-day Afghanistan, reached India. At the very end of their journey, they reached Khiva, the capital of Khorezm, where Magtymguly continued his education at the Shergazi Khan madrasa, which was attended only by those who were favored by the Padishah.Upon learning of his father's death, in 1760, the great poet returned to his homeland. In his homeland, he had a love, by a twist of fate, they were not brought together, and the girl got married, but the poet carried his love for Mengli, as the girl was called, through his entire life. This can be seen in many of his poems, which he dedicated to her."... I loved the pain of dreams.I loved the lunar rose in the celestialOcean..." ("Enamored Wanderer" Excerpt. Magtymguly).The influence of the poet on Turkmen poetry significantly changed the poetic language of the Turkmen people, bringing it closer to the vernacular, abandoning Arabic-Persian metrics, and replacing it with a syllabic system. In addition, Magtymguly Fragi is an outstanding poet of world literature and one of the greatest figures in Turkmen literature. The memory of the poet is perpetuated by numerous book editions and translations into numerous foreign languages. In our country and in many other countries, monuments and memorial plaques are installed in memory of the poet.The great poet will forever remain in the hearts of the people. Magtymguly, who always dreamed that his people would live a peaceful and calm life. Developing his own culture, the poet left his compatriots a beautiful poetic legacy. Thanks to the deep thoughts of wonderful verses, which are directed far into the future, Fragi's poetry meets the spiritual needs not only of the Turkmen people but of all humanity. The poet's immense contribution to the Turkmen people is his struggle for unity and condemnation of discord. For a long time, many generations of the Turkmen people have been and are being brought up on his lesson of unity. Life itself has proved the truthfulness of Magtymguly's bright ideas, who dreamed of a powerful state. Today all this has become a reality, all that the great poet dreamed of - the Turkmen people have united, an independent state has been formed - Turkmenistan, with its customs and culture.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (72) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Hansahedova M. TURKMEN POET WHO WROTE UNDER THE PSEUDONYM – FRAGI // Вестник науки №3 (72) том 1. С. 359 - 361. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13207 (дата обращения: 29.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13207

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